At the Kunkel House........where life is always an adventure!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Busy, Busy

Life has been a whirlwind lately.  We've been getting the guest rooms ready and planning/scheduling for family and teams that will be visiting for the next six weeks.

We are anticipating the arrival of Ben's mom and one of her high school Spanish students, Claire, tomorrow!  It will be so nice to have family here and to do some fun activities together.  It seems crazy to think it's been almost a year since I've seen anyone from our family.  The boys are looking forward to making cookies and reading books with MaMaw!  Luke wants to dance with her :)

My baby is at camp for the first time this week.  Levi and his friend Jon are at a camp about an hour away for the missionary kids of Guatemala.  This is his first camp experience and he was very excited.  I am praying that he has a great time and grows closer in his relationship with the Lord.  It is definitely quieter around here without him!  We had fun talking about when I went to camp a long time ago....  I did forget to tell Levi about some of his dad's camp experiences which include coming home with a suitcase full of CLEAN underwear one year.  Boys!

Monday, June 10, 2013


Tonight we learned that one of our neighbors, Christian, committed suicide.  He leaves behind a wife and three young children.  It is so hard to comprehend the grief his family is experiencing right now.  They have had some losses recently - the loss of Josefina's father and their horse died last week.  Christian had struggled with alcoholism for years, all of these things culminating to the point where he felt life was hopeless. This is why we are here, to give people the hope that only Christ can give!  Please pray for this precious family and for us as we minister to them.  It is tradition for the family to rent a tents, chairs, and dishes along with providing food for the entire community.  If you would like to help with any of these expenses or would like to help Josefina and the children on an ongoing basis, please let us know.

James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.