We are grateful to report that Levi is doing well post surgery. Our hospital experience was less than ideal but the surgery was successful. Yesterday we went to the city to have the stitches removed from his hip and the Doctor said that he is healing nicely.
The Story
The day before the surgery we had to go to the Doctor's office to get the paperwork needed to be admitted at the hospital. There was no place to park so the Surgeon came out and talked to Ben through the fence. That was the first time I had "met" him. Comforting. We headed to the hospital to fill out paperwork and pay a deposit, etc. We were told we didn't need to be back until 9pm to be admitted. What to do? We live an hour and a half away so going home didn't seem like a wise idea. We did some window shopping, ate dinner and played games at Taco Bell. Did some more window shopping....read some....and went back to be admitted. At first the security guard told us that Levi wasn't allowed to enter because he was wearing shorts. It's a military hospital. Obviously there are rules for those in the military and the staff at the hospital, but patients? Where is one supposed to learn about all these "rules"? Ben got us in. He filled out the same paperwork, again and again. There weren't computers where this information was logged, just papers. We were led through the dark halls to the pediatric unit where we would be staying. Thankfully there was a bathroom and a hot shower. There was also a futon and a crib type bed for Ben and I to sleep on. We weren't sure what to expect so we were grateful! We had a decent nights sleep.

Surgery Day
Levi was prepped for surgery and then they wheeled him away. Sigh. That never gets any easier. We walked to the waiting room and prayed. Then we headed down to eat breakfast at the restaurant in the hospital. The waiting room was about 85 degrees. The hospital didn't have A/C. I can only hope that the OR had regulated temperatures. We prayed, played games, read, and dozed. The surgery took close to 6 hours. We were able to see Levi in recovery but he had to remain there until he really woke up. After almost 2 hours I went in there again to get him talking, to stay awake so we could move back to his room. He was told not to talk to me. After surgery one should not talk. Of course. The nurses got him settled, after sending us out of the room. Our assistance/talking was not welcome. I almost lost it! (I am the momma, don't tell me to leave the room!) At this point, after all the emotion of the day, I really felt like punching her. But, my calm husband led me into the hall and I waited. And then Ben left me, and Levi, with the nurse...to go home and care for the other boys.

Levi couldn't get out of bed yet so he just slept. I walked down to find some dinner, through the dark hallways. The restaurant was still open and I could hear people talking but couldn't see a thing. Fun. Later Levi tried to get up and walk to the bathroom but he got dizzy. The two nurses and I got him back to his bed. That was no easy task! Poor guy. He wanted to eat but was only given jello and mush. I snuck him in some yogurt and gatorade.
Ben came back on Friday so we could trade places. Levi was doing really well and was ready to go home already. His hip was draining properly. He was hungry. They did offer him some food but it wasn't very interesting. He was even able to get up and walk around a bit.
There was a ton of traffic and it took me over 2 hours to get home. It was so stressful, but the Lord helped me through it! At one point Waze had me turn the wrong way on a one way street.
It was so good to be home with my boys! Friends were checking in on them while we were trading places and Jacob was looking out for his brothers. He did a great job!
When I talked to Ben on Saturday morning he said that Levi seemed down and lethargic. I was worried about him. They were thinking that he may have to spend the night again because of the amount of drainage from his hip. They were both so ready to come home! (Ben needed his coffee!) Our friend Britt was planning to visit so I was going to follow him to the hospital and leave the car for Ben to drive home the next day.
But, the Doctor came in later and released Levi! So, Britt went and picked them up for me! I was so happy that they didn't have to stay another night and so relieved that I didn't have to make that drive into the city again! I was an emotional mess!
Levi came home and wanted to eat everything! He began vomiting during the night. I thought that he had eaten too much. But, he kept vomiting and was miserable. He didn't want to eat anymore.
Sunday night as Ben and I were talking I realized that the antibiotics we were giving him were some that he is allergic to! I felt terrible! I had told the Doctor that he was allergic to amoxicillin and penicillin. He is, but those are in the same category. He is also allergic to cephalosporins. We got him some new antibiotics but his stomach was a mess and he didn't want to eat. What he did eat came back up. This went on for about a week. A friend from church, who is a nurse, gave us some ideas to make his stomach feel better. He began to improve a little each day.
Now he's eating well again, walking without a limp, and being ornery :)
What God is Teaching Me
The day we went to register at the hospital I read a devotional about living a drama free life. It encouraged me to pray and give my concerns to the Lord and not to react emotionally, i.e. call/message family and complain or be dramatic. It was just what I needed to hear that day. God cares about every little detail of our lives. He loves our children more than we do. It doesn't do anyone good to react emotionally, in dramatic fashion when we could be praying about our situation, trusting Him, leaning on Him, and asking for wisdom. There were so many times when I wanted to call my family and tell them the crazy things that we were experiencing but God kept reminding me to give my concerns to Him.
He got me through those trying days. It was scary, frustrating, and very hard at times. The Lord is teaching me, humbling me. I was worried about a lot of things regarding the surgery/care at the hospital and didn't have much confidence in the staff. I was sure I knew a better way. But, he made it out of that hospital just fine. It was me who messed up. I was wrong about his antibiotics and he got so sick, because of me. My reactions and emotions are not what are good and true, but God is. I just need to humble myself, trust Him, and keep asking for wisdom!
Read more of the Devotional Here
"When I die to my identity (Galatians 2:20) and start identifying with Christ, my emotions are no longer central. My opinions don't rule. My perceived rights are not absolute." Cindi McMenamin
John 3:30 - He must become greater, I must become less.
James 1:5 - If any of you lacks wisdom you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
I also want to say how proud I am of Levi! He was so brave and strong throughout all of this. We have been praying that he would not be bitter towards God for creating him with a cleft lip and palate, needing multiple surgeries. He was created just the way God wanted and God has big plans for this young man. He is so mature and hardworking! I could not be more proud of him!
We are so very grateful for your prayers, meals, calls, and messages! Thank you for loving us through this!